Article Forge Review

Article forge uses ai to write an entire article and helps you create good content. So, let’s check it now!

By: Joanna Penn, Published on: 2024-02-15, Last Updated: 27-03-2024

Reviewed by: Steven Pinker

Table of Contents

Writing articles is very important for marketing nowadays. It helps businesses and people to be noticed online and connect with their audience. It also brings more people to their websites. As a content creator, I know how crucial it is to make good articles that people like and that search engines can find easily.


I found a tool, article forge while looking for ways to make articles quickly and well. It's powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and has changed how I work. This tool helps me write good articles fast, without losing quality.

It helps me make articles as good as ones written by hand. It saves me a lot of time and still gives me good results. It's a big help in making the many articles needed today and also improves my website's visibility in search engines, bringing in more visitors.

Key Features offers various features to help in generating the specific and original content you need. Its key features include:

  • Automatic title compilation for articles.
  • Effortless insertion of internal and external links to enhance SEO.
  • Use of keywords to maintain topic relevance and reader engagement.
  • Automated SEO services, including scheduled post publishing on WordPress websites.
  • Multilingual support for content creation.

Checking Article Forge Working and Accuracy

Now, I’m going to review this tool. So let’s explore together, that how effectively and accurately it works

First, I opened the tool and logged in with my Gmail and password. This interface appeared to me as you can see below.


There I entered my keywords and subkeywords for the article I was generating.


After that, I selected the article length and adjusted other details.


So, as you can see in the below screenshot, a great-quality article was created by this tool.


However, in my opinion, this tool works really well for me and if you want to explore more of its features you may check it out.

Pros and Cons 


  • Rapid article generation
  • Capability to include images and videos
  • Direct publishing to self-hosted WordPress blogs
  • Support for seven different languages


  • Inconsistent quality of generated content
  • Maximum word limit of 750
  • Out-of-context content generated

Ideal Users 

  1. Article forge ai is a beneficial platform for bloggers, who regularly publish content on their blogs and need a fast and efficient way to generate high-quality articles.
  2. Professional content marketers are responsible for creating content to promote products, services, or brands across various online platforms.
  3. SEO Specialists used this tool because individuals focused on optimizing website content to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.


AI article generator provides two primary subscription options: Standard and Business. Both plans offer a 5-day free trial period. Users can request a refund if they've created fewer than 10 articles.




Price per Month

$57 (25,000 Words per Month)

Custom Price – Contact Sales

Price per Year

$27 (250,000 Word Limit)

After 51% off

Custom Price – Contact Sales



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