Connected Papers Review

Connected Papers help discover related works effortlessly with visual graphs. Ideal for students, academics, and researchers.

By: Steven Pinker, Published on: 2024-01-11, Last Updated: 14-03-2024

Reviewed by: Joanna Penn

Table of Contents

Searching for valid research papers can be challenging. That's where Connected Papers comes in—a tool that simplifies the process. As my team explores its features, we're impressed by its unique approach.


Connected Papers uses a similarity graph instead of traditional citation trees, making it easy to see connections between papers. Just input a related paper, and it generates a visual graph of about 25 related papers. Node size indicates citations, while color intensity shows publication year.

Personally, I find it beneficial for quickly exploring literature. It's perfect for researchers and students alike, offering a fast and enjoyable way to navigate through academic papers.

Key Features of Connected Papers

  • It generates an easy-to-follow graph of related works upon entering a specific article.
  • It stays updated on identifying popular articles quickly.
  • It effortlessly completes your academic work references.
  • Have wide database access for a comprehensive overview of various scientific disciplines.

Pros and Cons of Connected Papers


  • User-friendly interface, allowing users to easily navigate graphs and access detailed information with a simple click.
  • Visual graphs help researchers find and explore relevant papers.
  • Higher-quality research insights


  • Limited compatibility with mobiles and tablets.
  • It doesn't illustrate direct citation relationships between papers.

Pricing Plan

  1. Free: It’s a free plan.
  2. Academic: For $4 per month.
  3. Business: For $13 per month. connected-papers-pricing

Who Is It For?

Connected Papers is best for students, academics, writers, and researchers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Connected Papers Source Its Research Papers?

This tool sources its research papers from the Semantic Scholar database, which contains hundreds of millions of papers from various scientific fields. This ensures a diverse and comprehensive collection of research materials for users to explore.

Can Connected Papers Help Keep Track of New Developments in a Field?

Yes, it is especially useful in fast-evolving fields like Machine Learning. It allows users to visually discover and keep track of important recent papers without the need to maintain extensive lists.

Is Connected Papers Available for Free?

It offers various access options, including free features. For more detailed information on pricing and access levels, it's best to visit their official website.

How Accurate Are the Visual Maps in Connected Papers?

The visual maps in this website are generated based on the relationships and citations among academic papers. They are designed to be as accurate as possible, reflecting the current state of research in various fields.

Can Connected Papers Be Used for Collaborative Research?

While it is primarily a tool for individual research exploration, the insights and visual maps it generates can certainly be shared and discussed among collaborators, enriching the collaborative research experience.

Can Connected Papers Be Integrated with Other Research Tools?

It is a standalone research tool. While it doesn't directly integrate with other research tools, its outputs can be used alongside other resources to enhance the overall research process.

Is Training Required to Use Connected Papers Effectively?

No specific training is required to use this tool effectively. The platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible to researchers of all levels of expertise.